Cats were thought to be mystical creatures capable of delivering good fortune to anyone who kept them by the Egyptians. To honor these cherished pets, wealthy households lavished them with jewels and lavished them with royal gifts. The cats were mummified after they died.
Today these Siberian cats originating from Russia are just as mystical and cherished. With robust hindquarters, huge, well-rounded feet, and an equally large full tail, the Siberian is a muscular and strongly built cat. They feature barreled chests, medium to huge ears, large eyes, broad foreheads, and stockier bodies than most cats. Their face has sweet expression due to their huge wide eyes.
Take a look at these Siberian beauties~

Our goal is to improve, preserve, and protect the beautiful Siberian Forest Cat. We strive to breed and show happy, healthy, confident lap cats that families will love for years to come.

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